Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

My Second Day in Korea Part 2 - Touch Korea Tour

The Schedule for 2nd day, KTO office Seoul - Icheon – Pyeongchang – Woljeongsa

Our next destination is Woljeungsa Templestay.
Tujuan kita selanjutnya adalah Woljeungsa Templestay.

Woljeungsa Templestay is located on the Mountain Odaesan and is mere 2 hours from Seoul. The weather is so cool and nice, calmly. Refreshing and peacefull. Okay, to be honest, the weather made me want to grab my blanket and sleep…hihihi..*. And the view, I don’t have enough *English* vocabulary to describe it…SO AMAZING…

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

My Second Day in Korea part 1 - Touch Korea Tour

The Schedule for 2nd day, KTO office Seoul - Icheon – Pyeongchang – Woljeongsa

Okay, I was so excited on that day, because that was the beginning of the tour. A little bit nervous actually. Tiph, Michelle and I were promised to meet at the restaurant to have our breakfast. I met Tiphany and Dondre at the lobby, but I didn’t see Michelle. That was the first time I met Dondre. We were having breakfast together. Dondre was very friendly and energetic. We took a picture, and then got back to our room to bring our luggage. Getting ready to check out at 9 o’clock.
our first breakfast!

First Day in Korea - Touch Korea Tour

Day 1– Airport Incheon – Lotte Hotel - Myeongdong

I arrived at 07.10 in the morning, Seoul time. It took 7 hours flight from Jakarta to Seoul. Honestly, I didn’t sleep at all in the plane. I was very nervous and…psssttt.. I cried because I felt sad and missed my kids so much. What can I say? I am a mom! All moms do such sentimental thing like that! So no judgement okay? *little bit defensive..hihihi…*

Gue sampai sekitar jam 07.10 pagi waktu Seoul. Waktu perjalanan Jakarta-Seoul membutuhkan kira kira 7 jam an lah. Tapi jujur aja, gue gak bisa tidur sama sekali di pesawat. Gue gelisah banget lah dan…psssttt…gue juga nangis terus lho. Soalnya gue sedih banget dan kangen berat sama anak anak sih. Abis harus gimana dong? Namanya juga gue emak emak! Semua Ibu pasti lah pernah melakukan hal sentimental kayak gitu deh!!ya kan? Ya kan? *rada defensif*

And this is the first time I travelled alone. Without my family. Quite scary! But I felt like a real traveler, so adventurous!

Dan ini juga adalah pertama kalinya gue traveling seorang diri. Tanpa keluarga. Rada serem juga sih! Tapi gue jadi berasa kayak petualang sejati deh!!

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Introducing Fun Tour Team - Touch Korea Tour

There are so many things I want to share, I don’t even know how to start. Since I try to write in English *wiping my sweat first*, It will be more difficult for me. But I will try to write it systematically and chronologically, because I don’t want to miss a thing. I want to write everything *so for those of you who are waiting for 2 PM and Miss A story, I might be write about them in my last post, because I met them in the last day*. So get ready guys, its gonna be a loooong story…
Before I start to write about all my experience in Korea, maybe it would be better to introduce the main characters first. So everyone can feel our atmonsphere too, our personal closeness…

Banyak banget yang pengen gue ceritain. Saking banyaknya, gue sampe bingung sendiri harus mulai dari mana. Berhubung gue juga mencoba untuk menulisnya pake basa Inggris *lap keringet dulu bok*, sepertinya bakalan rada berat juga buat gue. Tapi gue akan berusaha untuk menuliskannya secara sistematis dan kronologis, soalnya gue gak mau kelupaan satu hal pun juga. Pokoknya gue pengen ceritain semuanya deh! *jadi buat elo semua yang lagi pada nungguin cerita 2 PM dan Miss A, kemungkinan gue bakalan ceritanya di akhir yah, karena gue kan ketemu merekanya di hari terakhir*. Jadi bersiap siaplah temaaaan, ceritanya bakalan panjaaaang banget….