like the title, this is definitely the tiny little unimportant things about our
fun team. I really need to write this, just because I miss them all so much!
judulnya, postingan inih memang berisi tentang berbagai hal remeh temeh dan gak
penting tentang Fun Team. Gue berasa perlu banget nulis tentang ini, karena
lagi kangen banget ama mereka!
our language barrier!
are 6 different persons, from 6 different countries. We are lucky enough that
we all can speak English, even though for some of us, English is not our first
language, but we communicate well! And we also had pretty Laney as our
interpreter! Korean – English!
we also face our language barrier…
keterbatasan Bahasa kita!
adalah 6 orang dari 6 negara yang bebeda. Kita lumayan beruntung lah, karena
semuanya bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris, walopun untuk sebagian dari kita, Inggris
bukanlah bahasa ibu kita. Tapi komunikasi kita masih lancar kok! Dan masih ada
Laney yang bertindak sebagai interpreter dari bahasa Korea ke Inggris.
tetep aja kita menghadapi yang namanya language barrier!
is his first language, so he had no problem at all with his English. He always
helped us to interpret what we had to do during the shooting. But I think, he
had a little bit difficulties in speaking Korean..hihihi…especially in reading
Hangeul..I saw them struggling to read the script when we had the shoot.
our host, he had to speak both, Korean and English. And every time we had to
shoot our opening, he had no problem when he had to say it in English, always
smooth. But when he had to speak Korean, well, we had to take several
shoots…hahaha…I remember him saying sorry several time, just because he couldn’t
pronounce some Korean words perfectly…hahaha…he had to repeat it over and over
again…That’s okay Ricky, we totally understand you!
He was tired! |
ibu-nya Ricky adalah B. Inggris, jadi dia mah gak ada masalah sama sekali kalo
ngomong bahasa Inggris. Dia pun selalu bantuin kita untuk meng interpret apa
apa yang harus kita lakukan selama lagi shooting. Tapi menurut gue, dia
mengalami sedikit kesulitan kalo disuruh ngomong Korea…hihihi…terutama kalo
disuruh baca Hangeul…gue lihat rada ribet buat baca script kita kita lagi
host, dia harus ngomong 2 bahasa, Inggris dan Korea. Dan setiap kali kita harus
shooting pake bahasa Inggris, dia sih gak pernah ada masalah, lancer lancer
aja. Tapi sekalinya dia harus shooting pake bahasa korea, dia mulai belepotan
deh…hihihi…harus take beberapa kali. Gue ingat dia sampai meminta maap beberapa
kali, hanya karena dia gak bisa ngucapin beberapa kata dalam bahasa
korea…hihihi…harus diulang ulang terus…Gak apa apa Ricky, kita semua ngerti
is his first language, and he can also speak Korean and Japanese fluently!
*that is so annoying Dondre..hahaha…*. Dondre is the one who always helped us
to comprehend everything. He helped
Amelie explained to us, about what we had to do during the mission with his
simple and understandable sentence.
remember, I was talking with Tiphany about learning hangeul :
: Its really easy to learn Hangeul Erry!
: Really Tiph? You learned it by yourself?
: Yes, you should try!
: Is there any pattern that I should know to learn it?
: What do you mean? What pattern?
: You don’t know pattern? Its…ehm…well, I don’t know how to explain it…Hai
Dondre what is pattern?
: what do you mean?
: I asked tiph, is there any pattern that I should know to learn Hangeul?
; Oh, you mean like a method?
: Yes, that’s it. Tiph, I mean method!
Dondre! I don’t know what should I do without you!
Dondre with his legendary pose! |
Inggris merupakan bahasa Ibunya Dondre, dan dia juga bisa ngomong bahasa Jepang
dan Korea! *nyebelin banget sih si Dondre inih…hihihi*. Dondre juga selalu
bantuin kita buat mengerti semua hal yang ribet. Dia suka nolongin Amelie buat
jelasin lagi ke kita tentang peraturan misi, dengan kalimat yang lebih
sederhana dan mudah dimengerti.
inget, waktu ituh pernah ngobrol ama Tiphany tentang Hangeul :
: Pokoknya belajar Hangeul itu gampang banget deh Erry!
: Masa sih? Lo belajar sendiri emangnya?
: iya, pokoknya lo harus nyoba!
: Ada ‘pattern’ yang harus gue tahu gak buat belajar Hangeul? *pattern yang gue
maksud disini adalah pola, kayak verb pattern gitu lah dalam bahasa Inggris
: Maksud lo apaan? Pattern apaan nih?
:Eh, lo gak ngerti pattern?...ehm…maksudnya..duh gue susah jelasin nya! Eh,
Dondre pattern apaan sih?
Maksud lo apaan?
: gue nanya Tiph, Apakah ada pattern tertentu kalo mau belajar Hangeul?
: Oh, maksudnya ‘method’ kali yah?
: Oh iyah! Maksudnya metode gituh!
Dondre! Gak tahu deh harus gimana kalo gak ada lo!
first language is Chinese, but she always communicate in English with her
friend in Malaysia. She understood bahasa, but we never spoke in bahasa.
Sometimes I asked her about some words in bahasa. But, I remember my stupid
conversation with her..
: but Michelle, I don’t have spidol!
: what is Spidol?
: what? You don’t know Spidol? * I thought spidol is an English word*
: No, I don’t know, what is spidol?
:..ehm..its like a thick pen..like a marker?
: Okay, it called a marker Erry!
: okay! * but are you sure Spidol is not an English word?..hahaha…*
Ibu nya Michelle adalah Chinese, tapi dia selalu ngobrol pake bahasa Inggris
sama temen temen nya di Malaysaia. Dia ngerti bahasa sih, tapi kita gak pernah
ngobrol pake bahasa juga, selalu Inggris. Tapi kadang kadang gue suka nanya
nanya juga beberapa kata yang rada kagok pake bahasa Indo. Gue ingat
perbincangan aneh gue ama dia…
: Tapi gue gak punya ‘Spidol’ nih Michelle!
: Spidol apaan sih?
: Eh, lo gak tahu spidol? *gue piker spidol ituh bahasa Inggris*
: Gak, gue gak tahu spidol, apaan sih tuh?
: ehm…kayak bolpen tebel gituh…ehm…kayak marker kali yah?
: Oh, itu mah namanya marker erry,
: Oh, gitu yah! * lo yakin kalo spidol itu bukan bahasa Inggris?...hihihi…*
an Australian guy, English is definitely his first language. But I mention
about this in my previous post, that Tim had the cute Australian accent that
make us sometimes don’t understand him…hihihi…
gave me a new awesome vocabulary though! It’s Dunny!
means bathroom. I love that word, I used it all the time. I felt like a cool
person when saying that word. “I need to go to the Dunny!”
even told him that I will teach my two kids to use the word Dunny for
Tim with his funny face! |
orang Australia, bahasa Inggris jelas jelas merupakan bahasa Ibunya. Tapi
seperi yang pernah gue sentil di postingan sebelumnya, Tim ituh punya aksen
Australia yang kental banget, dan bikin kita semua kadang kadang gak ngerti
Tim udah kasih gue kosa kata baru yang keren abis! Namanya ‘Dunny”
ituh maksudnya kamar mandi., Gue seneng banget kata ituh, dan gue pake terus
terusan. Berasa keren ajah gituh kalo pengen ke kamar mandi terus ngomong, “I
need to go to the dunny”…hihihi…
malahan bilang ama dia, gue bakalan ngajarin anak gue buat ngomong “Dunny” ajah
kalo mau ke kamar mandi…hihihi…
French girl is really good in English. Although she had weird French accent,
but we still understand her. But I do remember our funny conversation about her
: Hi Erry, look at my ‘and!
: What? What do you mean?
: I said, look at my 'and! *show me her hand*
: Oh, you mean your hand?
: That’s what I said!
: where is your H Tiph?...hahaha…
: Well, There is no H in French Erry, *what kind of explanation is that?*
Tiph with her second husband Yunho! |
Perancis ini basa Inggris nya keren banget. Walopun masih ada aksen
perancisnya, tapi kita semua masih ngerti kok. Tapi gue ingat perbincangan lucu
kita tentang aksen nya ituh,
: Hi Erry, lihat, my ‘and ! *liat tangan gue*
: eh, apaan? Maksud lo apa?
: Gue bilang, lihat nih my ‘and *trus kasih unjuk tangan nya*
: oooh, maksud lo, your hand *tangan lo ?*
: dari tadi juga gue ngomong begitu!
: Tapi hurup H lo kemana sih?...hihihi…
: Duh, di Perancis ituh gak ada yang namanya hurup H Erry! *penjelasan macam
apa pula ituh!*
about me? Well, I think my English is well, you know….*I don’t even know what I
mean *
And I only understand some random Korean words
that I only hear in the drama *so pathetic*
only problem is, sometimes I can be very slow. I need some times to understand
everything and process it in my brain…hahaha…Tiph said, maybe it’s because the ‘age’
thing *watch out Maknae!!*…hihihi…
when they talked, and laughed, I had to ask something for explanation first,
well, do you mean like…blablabla? Okay I get the joke now...and then I
laughed…okay, late…hihihi…
sometimes I have to confirm it first, just to make sure. Okay is that a
compliment? Are you joking? Are you serious?...so slow!
remember, when we were in the bus, Tiph and Dondre were laughing so hard. I
asked them, what are you guys talking about? Tiph was trying to explain, but I
still don’t get the joke. It’s something about TVXQ, Japan concert and banana.
I am so slow! Okay, maybe is the ‘age’ thing….hahaha…
Me, with my favorite hand gesture |
dengan gue? Yah, bahasa Inggris gue mah…ya gitu deh…*apaan sih?*
gue hanya bisa mengerti beberapa kata aja dalam bahasa Korea, itu pun yang biasanya ada dalam drama
terbesar gue adalah, gue tuh kadang suka lelet banget, lambat gitu! Gue butuh
waktu buat ngertiin semuanya terus diproses ama otak gue..hihihi…katanya si
Tiph mah, mungkin factor U kali…hihihi…*udah tua maksud loh? Awas lo yah!*
kadang kalo kita lagi ngobrol dan ketawa ketawa, gue harus minta dijelasin dulu,
eh maksudnya…blablabla?..okay deh, gue ngerti maksudnya sekarang…trus baru deh
gue ketawa…telat!!...hihihi…
kadang kadang malahan gue harus meng konfirmasi dulu, cuman buat memastikan
aja. Okay, ini maksudnya lo muji yah? Lo bercanda? Ini serius nih?...lambat
banget lah pokoknya mah!
ingat ketika kita lagi di bis, Dondre dan Tipjh ketawa ketawa kenceng banget.
Trus gue nanya, lagi pada ngomongin apaan sih? Tiph berusaha keras untuk
ngejelasin panjang lebar, tapi gue masih tetep gak ngerti dimana letak
lucunya…hihihi…Pokonya mah ngomongin TVXQ, konser Jepang dan pisang. Lambat
banget lah gue inih! Okay, mungkin emang factor U kali yah!
our Socks
read an article that Korean had a custom to take off their shoes before
entering the house. And we need to wear socks. Because barefoot can be
considered as impolite. Actually, I saw it all the time in the drama! So, these
are our unimportant socks story!
sorry Tiph, but I couldn’t find your sock story. Please don’t be mad! *our
maknae’s feeling sometimes can be very sensitive…hahaha…*
left her socks at ATV place. I still don’t understand why she had to take off
her socks in the ATV!
apparently loves to wear different socks. Look at the odd socks that he wore at
noraebang *karaoke*, he is so funny! *busted*
Tim wore different socks! |
pernah baca satu artikel, bahwa orang Korea punya kebiasaan buat buka sepatu
ketika masuk rumah. Dan kita harus pake kaos kaki. Karena nyeker ituh bisa
dianggap kagak sopan. Sebenernya sih, gue juga sering lihat adegan inih di
drama sih. Jadi, ini adalah cerita gak penting tentang kaos kaki kita!
sorry Tiph, tapi gue bener bener gak punya cerita tentang kaos kaki elo, jangan
marah yah! *kadang kadang si Maknae inih emang suka sensi kalo dapet jatah
cerita yang lebih dikit di blog inih…hihihi…*
ketinggalan kaos kakinya di tempat ATV. Gue sih gak ngerti kenapa dia harus
buka kaos kaki segala di tempat ATV ituh!
ternyata suka pake kaos kaki yang beda sebelah. Lihat aja kaos kaki aneh yang
dia pake waktu kita ke Noraebang *karaoke*. Lucu banget deh! *kepergok nih
and I once again, having a cute disagreement, this time about socks! Last timewe had short and jeans disagreement, *click here*
: Oh no, I only brought one jeans for this Trip! But I brought lots of shorts!
: that’s okay Michelle, I brought lots of shorts too!
: Lucky me! I brought 3 jeans. But I only brought 2 socks!
: What?! But Why?!! *looked very surprise*
: But there’s gonna be lots of walking and activities in this trip!!!
: yeah, I know that!
: So, why did you do that Erry, you are a mom!
:…ehm…well..*suddenly feeling guilty!*
could you use my ‘mommy’ territory Dondre…hahaha..*
lagi Dondre dan gue mengalami sedikit pertentangan unyu dan gak penting, kali
ini tentang kaos kaki! Kalo sebelumnya kan kita pernah debat gak jelas tentangshort dan jeans kan yah, klik sinih buat baca lagih!
: Duh payah nih, gue cuman bawa 1 jeans buat trip inih! Tapi gue bawa banyak
banget short!
: Nyantai aja lah Michelle, gue juga kebanyakan bawa nya celana pendek deh!
: Untung aja deh, gue mah bawa 3 celana Jeans, tapi gue cuman bawa 2 kaos kaki!
: Hah? Tapi kenapa sih? *kelihatannya shock banget*
:…ehm…ya gitu deh…
: Tapi kita kan bakalan banyak acara jalan jalan dan kegiatan lain lho…
: Yah, gue tahu sih..
: Trus kenapa dong lo kayak gituh? Lo kan seorang Ibu, Erry!
:…ehm…*langsung merasa bersalah*
banget sih pake alasan “lo seorang ibu” segala si Dondre inih*
that is not fair Dondre! Michelle only brought one jeans and you didn’t say
anything! *and she even left her only jeans at Jeju Hotel! It was a new jeans!*
why is it such a big deal that I only brought 2 socks? *defensive
the reason why I only brought 2 socks is because…I am a mom…*what kind of
explanation is that?* Well, you have to remember that, I have graduated from
school! So I don’t have to wear socks and shoes anymore!
brought 2 socks, because I only have 2 socks…hahaha…in my daily life I prefer
to use flipflop or wedges/flatshoes, no need socks!
ini bener bener gak adil Dondre! Michelle cuman bawa 1 celana jeans, dan lo gak
ngomong apa apa! *dia bahkan ninggalin ssatu satunya celana jeans ituh di Hotel
Jeju! Padahal celana baru ituh!*
kenapa kok, masalah penting banget bahwa gue cuman bawa 2 kaos kaki *rada
alasan kenapa gue cuman bawa 2 kaos kaki adalah…karena gue seorang
Ibu…*penjelasan macam apa pula ituh?* Jadi, lo harus inget bahwa, gue inih udah
emak emak dan udah lulus sekolah! Jadi gak perlu pake sepatu dan kaos kaki lagi
kan yah!
cuman bawa 2 kaos kaki, karena emang cuman punya 2 sih..hihihi…Sehari hari gue
biasa pake sandal jepat, paling banter sepatu wedges atau sepatu teplek lah,
kagak perlu kaos kaki jadinya!
Actually Ricky was the only person who never wear socks…hahaha…
remember when we were in Woljeungsa Temple, we had to enter the room, and Ricky
was barefoot. The monk said something to him, but it was in Korean, so I didn’t
really understand. But I was so sure that he was asking about his socks…hahaha…
at the last day of the tour, Ricky gave us a something as souvenir. Do you know
what it is?
SOCKS! Lots of socks…hahaha…
remember he wanted me to take more socks than the other because I am a mom, I
have 2 kids..hahaha…
anyway, how do you know that I only brought 2 socks for this trip Ricky?
Ricky gave as lots of socks for souvenirs! |
Ricky adalah satu satunya oknum yang kagak pernah pake kaos kaki…hihihi..
inget, ketika kita lagi di Woljeungsa Temple, kita harus masuk ke suatu
ruangan, dan si Ricky nyeker. Si Rahib nya ngomong sesuatu ama dia, gue sih gak
ngerti apaan karena dia ngomong pake bahasa Korea.Tapi gue yakin, kalo dia
nanya kenapa Ricky gak pake kaos kaki…hihihi…
di hari terakhir tour kita, Ricky ngasih kita hadiah kecil sebagai kenang kenangan. Lo tahu gak apaan?
KAKI! Banyak banget deh…hihihi…
ingat dia nyuruh gue ngambil lebih banyak kaos kaki dibanding temen temen yang
lain, karena gue punya 2 anak…hihihi…
ngomong ngomong, kok lo tahu sih kalo gue cuman bawa 2 kaos kaki?
our Wifi!
admit, that I am the one who always complain about the wifi…hehehe…the reason
was because I promise my husband that we will communicate by skype and yahoo
messenger. The first day I arrived in korea, I didn’t get wifi yet, and I spent
more than 100.000 rupiah just for short phone call and text message. So I
really need wifi! I am a mom, I need to keep in touch with my kids! *mommy
excuse again…hihihi…*
every time we arrived to the new hotel, the first thing I asked to Amelie was “
Is there any wifi here?”…hihihi…All my friends always tease me about this,
every time we need a wifi thing, they told me to ask Amelie… You used
gue ngaku, bahwa gue adalah satu satunya oknum yang selalu complain masalah
wifi selama disonoh..hihihi…Alasan nya adalah karena gue udah janji ama suami
gue bahwa kita bakalan komunikasi pake skype dan yahoo messenger. Hari pertama
gue nyampe di Korea, gue gak dapet wifi, gue ngabisin lebih dari 100.000 rupiah
cuman buat telepon bentar doang dan sms an. Parah deh, bisa bangkrut gue! Jadi
gue bener bener butuh wifi! Gue kan emak emak, gue harus selalu memantau
keadaan anak anak gue kan…*alesan emak emak banget…*
setiap kali kita nyampe di hotel baru,
pertanyaan pertama gue ke si Amelie adalah, “disini ada wifi nya
gak?”…hihihi…temen temen yang lain sering nge godain gue masalah ini, setiap
kali kita butuh wifi, mereka selalu nyuruh gue buat nanya sama Amelie…pada
manpaatin gue banget sih!...hihihi…
problem was, during our trip, most places that we visit were local areas like
mountain and Island. There are not so many wifi there. I remember when we were
in Seoul, the wifi were very strong, I could skype with my husband in the
middle of Myeongdong street.
why KTO provided the ‘egg’ thing for our wifi. I don’t know why we called it
egg *it kinda weird*. It is a device that can give us the wifi during our trip.*
just like a small cellphone* Amelie had the egg, and usually she turned on the
egg when we were in the bus, so we could upload our picture in facebook or
adalah, selama perjalanan kita, kebanyakan tempat tempat yang kita kunjungin
adalah di local area kayak pegunungan atau pulau gituh, jadi rada susah dapet
wifi. Gue inget waktu kita di Seoul, wifi nya kenceng banget disono mah. Gue
malahan bisa skype an bareng suami gue di tengah perjalanan waktu di
KTO nyiapin benda yang namanya ‘egg’ buat wifi kita, gak jelas juga sih kenapa
disebutnya ‘egg’. Rada aneh juga sih. Jadi alat canggih itulah yang bisa bikin
kita online terus selama perjalanan. Bentuknya kayak hp kecil lah. Amelie yang
pegang ‘egg’nya, dan biasanya dia suka nyalain si egg ituh kalo lagi di bus,
jadi kita bisa aplod poto di fesbuk atau twitter.
when we were back to the hotel, we couldn’t use that egg, and most of hotel
that we stayed didn’t have wifi. Okay, they had, but we have to pay. I cant
remember how much, but I am sure that it was very expensive, because we
discussed about this, and all my friends told me to ask Amelie about this! You
used me again!!
KTO was very kind to us, they understood that we really need the wifi at night
so that we can communicate with our family. So they told us that we could use
the hotel wifi, and KTO will pay for us.
ketika kita balik ke hotel, kita gak bisa pake si ‘egg’ ituh, dan sialnya
kebanyakan hotel yang kita nginepin kagak punya wifi. Okay, sebenernya punya
lah yah, tapi ya kita harus bayar. Gue sih lupa berapa, tapi seingat gue mahal
banget. Karena kita berlama sempet diskusi soal inih, dan ujung ujungnya mereka
nyuruh gue buat nanyain tentang inih ke Amelie! Payah, gue dikerjain deh, pada
manpaatin gue banget sih…hihihi…
KTO baik banget deh, mereka sangat mengerti bahwa kita butuh wifi di malam hari
supaya kita bisa komunikasi sama keluarga kita. Jadi mereka mempersilahkan kita
buat pake wifi hotel, dan bersedia buat bayarin.
we were a little bit shy to do that, because it was very expensive. So here’s
what we did.
is highly confidential, do not spread this information okay!...hihihi…
when we used the internet connection in hotel, we had to sign in with our name
and room number. And then click the option, hourly or 12 hours. The password is
our last name.
5 of us already knew our last name and room number, we decided to sign in
just for 1 name. So that KTO only pay
for one person!...hahaha…
do you know whose name that we use? Mine! Because I am the only person who
always complain about the wifi…hahaha..great! They used me again!!!
when we checked out from the hotel, KTO had to pay extra just for me! That is
not true!!
KTO, if you read this, I am not the only person who use the wifi, they just
used me! *don’t tell the hotel okay…hahaha…*
kita rada malu juga sih, karena harganya mahal banget! Jadi diem diem kita
melakukan inih.
bener bener rahasia lho yah, jangan disebarluasin okay…hihihi..
kalo mau pake internet hotel, kita harus
sign in pake nama kita dan ketik nomer kamarnya. Trus click option, dan pilih
mau per jam atau per 12 jam. Password nya biasanya nama belakang kita.
kita berlima udah pada tahu nama belakang kita dan nomer kamarnya juga, kita
mutusin untuk sign in dengan 1 nama ajah. Jadi KTO hanya perlu bayar untuk satu
orang ajah…hihihi…
tahu gak nama siapa yang akhirnya dipake? Nama gue! Karena gue adalah orang
yang selalu rempong kalo ngomongin wifi…hihihi…gue di manpaatin lagih!
ketika kita check out dari hotel, KTO harus bayar extra charge cuman buat gue
doang! Ituh gak bener banget!
KTO, kalo lo baca inih, gue bukan satu satunya yang pake wifi lho yah, mereka
cuman lagi pada manpaatin gue doang…hahaha…*jangan bilang bilang ama orang
hotel yah*
really miss them!
actually, we made some silly resolutions. Let’s meet again someday after we
successfully fix ourselves :
fix your poker face *learn how to make a happy face when you are happy*
please fix your H, * Theres no H in France is such a lame excuse…hahaha…*
fix his upset face, *Don’t give me your upset face if you are not upset*
maybe fix his Australian accent so we can understand you better?
well everybody told me to start learn Hangeul, because I am the only person in
the group who can’t write and read Hangeul. And I’ll do my best!
I think he is too perfect! He doesn’t have to do anything, Just continue being
him is enough…hihihi…*fangirling mode*
hope that we can meet again someday !
Okay guys,
Teman teman!!!
Semoga lain waktu bisa ketemu mereka lagi ya teh, atau ajakin mereka main2 ke Indonesia.
BalasHapusTunjukin ke mereka Indonesia gak kalah keren sama Korea. :)
Amin, mudah mudahan beneran bisa ketemu yah Mel :)
HapusNtar bakal aku tunjukin deh :)
After watched the videos and read this post, i feel the warmth between the fun tour member. Semoga bisa segera bertemu lagi... :D
BalasHapusmakasih Dani :)
HapusKita emang deket banget satu sama lain :)
Dan mudah2an bisa ketemu lagi :)
Haha Erry, thanks for being so aware of my feelings as a maknae... :)
BalasHapusAnd you missed such a good thing with TVXQ, Japan and the banana.
I swear I got better with the H thing, and don't lie when you say you have perfect English :P You have an indonesian accent too.
PS: I took 3 pairs of socks from Ricky too, because I'm the maknae *hihihi don't tell the other...*
And I miss you so much too !
HapusOf course, Tiph :)
HapusYeah, I still dont get the joke, are you sure that's funny?
And I am not saying my English is perfect, but do I also have an accent?..hahaha...dont realize it :)
PS : give me one of your sock, my daughter is taking away all of my socks...hahaha...
And I miss you more :)
HapusHope I can see all of you guys again:)
oouwowouwouwow. .
HapusI miss U, Teh. . . :D
Itu boneka teddynya mantap banget, Teh. . :)
Ajaklah mereka ke Indonesia, di iming2i peyem. . . :D
masih tetep seru nhi baca postingan tentang ini. masih bersambung kan?
BalasHapusmakasih mba :)
Hapusnyambung teruuuuus :)
baca hangeul masih lumayan dibanding aksara kriting lainnya.. tapi, tetep aja cyiiin.. ngeja, haha
BalasHapusperkara aging.. eike juga mengalaminya di sini *suka dibully pula.. hahaha emang kurang asem tuh anak2 muda*
kaos kaki? duh, jadi inget 2 kaos kaki yg udh jadi korban banjir..
duh, nyerah duluan euy baca hangeul mah mba :(
HapusTapi lagi nyoba terus sih :)
Iya nih, rese emang, dikerjain terus...hihihi...
eh, emang di Thailand banjir yah mba?
Hahaha bibi naluri ke"ibu"anmu memang tidak diragukan lagih, ya, demi pengiritan make satu nama ajah buat wifi an
BalasHapusyah, naluri pelit ituh memang sudah mendarah daging Rahmi...hihihi...
HapusThis is so nice, haha I love the wifi part.
BalasHapusmasih ditunggu cerita cerita seru selanjutnya...
BalasHapusNma belakangnya Mbak Erry sapa neh? #OOT
BalasHapusSetiap moment di KOrea-nya seru terus ya MBak...pengen deh
akhirnya ambil brpa psg kaos kaki tuh dari si Ricky? *kepo*
BalasHapusck..ck..ck... itu Ricky biar kata capek tetep aja ganteng.. :D
BalasHapuswihi, fun team ya, aku baru baca mbak .. seru temennya dari banyak belahan dunia ya ..
BalasHapuseh, baca hangul aku bisa lho mbak, aku lumayan suka bahasa Korea ..
salam kenal :D
Hahaha... seruuuu...
BalasHapusBahasa Korea? Mbak Erry udah nonton lusinan drama tapi masih belum belajar bahasa Korea juga?
#kaboooor :D
hhhuuuhh,,,Ricky !!
BalasHapuswah teh.. aku termasuk orang kantoran yang masih pake kaos kaki loh. Dan aku kan pake pantofel hitam tuh, pake kaos kaki hitam juga.. terus dibilang sama bapak-bapak di kantor kayak ninja dong >.<
BalasHapusaahh,, udah tiga bulan aja ya teh pasti kangen..
btw, aku udah nonton videonya.. waahh... keren banget teh.. walopun semuanya udah pernah diceritakan disini yak.. yang belom pas ketemu sama 2PM dan *ohh siapa satu lagi?* >.<
tapi kok hasil videonya kurang bagus ya teh.. gak jelas gitu deh.. bukan HD
huahahaha... post'nya seru :) btw, soal "spidol" aku juga pernah ngalamin. aku pikir spidol itu bahasa inggris, jadi pas ngomong ke murid (aku guru di british pre school) tentang spidol langsung aja diprotes kalau itu namanya marker, huahahahaha :D
BalasHapusWah seru sekali kunjungan tournya. Wah senang sekali saya membaca travel reportnya. Jadi kepengen ke Korea nih kapan ya. Salam dari blogger Pontianak. Kalimantan Barat
BalasHapuswow, u r a married woman!
BalasHapuskirain masih remaja gitu mbak. hhe
seruuuuuuuuu,, pengen deh mbak...
itu gimana bisa ikutan gituan mbak?
Smart move, pake wifi satu account rame-rame! ^^ Ternyata walaupun berbeda latar belakang, yang namanya ngirit mah melekat di budaya manapun ya...
BalasHapusBtw, sudah menonton videonya, seruu...!
Sudah vote juga, semoga jadi yang terfavorit ya.. :)
senangnya bisa menang sesuatu yang memang kita inginkan ya :)
BalasHapusEgg itu pocket wifi ry. Disini banyak yg jual. Gw biasanya bawa kalo jalan2 ke luar negri. Tinggal beli sim card utk data internet trus bs dipake rame2.
BalasHapusKmrn ke korea ga bawa karena sistem network nya beda. Jd nyewa egg di airport. Biar bs twitter an hihi.
Ohh jd skrg gw ngerti knp di korea banyakk bgt yg jual kaos kaki dmn2. Lucu2 sampe dan berbagai macam bentuk hihi
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