Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Our Precious Moment with 2 PM and Miss A - Buzz Korea Awards 2012

Hi guys!!

Its been....ehm....forever since I updated this blog...hahaha..

Okay, just a quick update!
FUN Tour Team had sucessfully won the voting online!!! *thanks to our awesome voters*
So, we were invited to come to Korea again, to attend the Buzz Korea Awards 2012!!!
We also had the opportunity to meet all the members of 2 PM and Miss A!!!
And we were given Korea Pass 5 million won or 4000 USD...
*I felt so lucky*

Thanks again voters!!!

Duh, kayaknya udah berabad abad lamanya yah kagak gue apdet blog gue yang inih...maap...
Quick update aja deh yah!!

FUN Tour Team akhirnya berhasil menang dalam voting Online!!! *makasih banyak buat para voter kita yang keren abis!!*
Akhirnya kita pun diundang kembali untuk datang ke Korea dan menghadiri Buzz Korea Awards 2012!!!
Kita pun berkesempatan untuk ketemu semua member 2 PM dan Miss A!!
Dan yang gak kalah keren kita juga dikasih hadiah berupa Korea Pass senilai 5 juta won atau 4000 USD...

Gue ucapkan makasih banyak yah untuk semua yang udah vote FUN Tour!!!

Selasa, 25 September 2012

The unimportant things about FUN team - Touch Korea Tour

Just like the title, this is definitely the tiny little unimportant things about our fun team. I really need to write this, just because I miss them all so much!

Seperti judulnya, postingan inih memang berisi tentang berbagai hal remeh temeh dan gak penting tentang Fun Team. Gue berasa perlu banget nulis tentang ini, karena lagi kangen banget ama mereka!

About our language barrier!
There are 6 different persons, from 6 different countries. We are lucky enough that we all can speak English, even though for some of us, English is not our first language, but we communicate well! And we also had pretty Laney as our interpreter! Korean – English!
However, we also face our language barrier…

Tentang keterbatasan Bahasa kita!
Kita adalah 6 orang dari 6 negara yang bebeda. Kita lumayan beruntung lah, karena semuanya bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris, walopun untuk sebagian dari kita, Inggris bukanlah bahasa ibu kita. Tapi komunikasi kita masih lancar kok! Dan masih ada Laney yang bertindak sebagai interpreter dari bahasa Korea ke Inggris.
Tapi tetep aja kita menghadapi yang namanya language barrier!

Selasa, 11 September 2012

Third day Part 4 - Lets go green with sense of humour in Jeju Island!

Okay, let’s continue our story here…We arrived at Jeju Island!
After finishing our awesome but horrifying zipline mission, we get ready to do another tour. Green Tea Field Tour!
Green everywhere! Refreshing air! Cool!
We were riding a cool golf car to go around the green tea field, and Ricky acted like a professional Tour Guide.
Just let the pictures tell the story…

Okay, Mari kita lanjutin lagih cerita nya yah…Kita udah nyampek di Jeju Island!
Setelah selesai menjalankan misi yang keren abis tapi juga serem abis, yaituh Zipline Mission, kita udah siap untuk menjalankan aktifitas selanjutnya. Yaitu keliling keliling di kebun teh!
Pokoknya sejauh mata memandang…ijo! Dan udaranya seger banget!
Kita naik kayak semacem, golf car gituh buat muter muter Kebon teh nya, buset dah, berasa turis banget *eh, emang kan yah?*, Dan disonoh Ricky bergaya bak layaknya seorang Tour Guide Proffesional!
Biar gambar gambarnya aja yang cerita deh yah!

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Third day part 3 - Memorizing 10 words while flying at Daheeyeon Jeju Island!

It’s been a while since I updated my blog!
How’s your holiday? Mine was great, but I kinda broke right now…hahaha…
* I can't even afford to buy concert ticket for SMtown!*

Firstly, I would like to say Happy Eid Mubarak for all the Muslim!
And, I just want to tell you guys that Ricky also posted Selamat Hari Raya message in my facebook timeline,…I am so happy because I know that he is a very busy celebrity! * I am his stalker…hihihi..*

Udah lumayan lama juga gue gak apdet yah!

Gimana liburannya? Asyik gak? Gue sih lumayan lah, tapi jadi rada bangkrut gitu deh…hihihi…
*buat beli tiket konser nya SM town ajah gue kagak sanggup!*

Gue juga mau ngucapin Selamat Lebaran  buat semua umat Muslim yah! Mohon maap lahir batin!

Dan gue juga mau ngasih tau ama lo semua, kalo Ricky juga ngucapin Selamat Lebaran lewat fesbuk gue lhoooo….ngerasa seneng banget karena gue tau banget kalo dia ituh sibuk banget! *gue kan stalker nya dia…hihihi…*

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Third Day Part 2 : Facing your Fear at Alpensia Resort - Ahjussy VS Oppa!

After we did the opening shoot at Pyeongchang Jumping Ski, we went to the Alpensia Resort!
Alpensia Resort is a Ski resort and tourist attraction. Alpensia has 6 slopes for skiing and snowboarding. However, it was early summer, so there was no snow. But the good thing is, we could see something else, which is sooo beautiful…FLOWERS!!!

Amazing View!!
Alpensia Resort!!
FLOWERS Everywhere!

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

My Third Day - part 1 : How Difficult to say 'Pyeongchang Winter Olympic 2018' in your own language?

Okay, let’s move on to our tight schedule in Pyeongchang !!! But firstly, happy fasting to all the Muslim!!

Schedule for today is Pyeongchang - Wonju – Jeju Island!!! *Wait for me Jeju, the romantic places for all of the dramas!*
I woke up early in the morning *the morning call from the hotel woke me up actually*. Feeling so fresh! Even though the day before, we had the tough mission which is had todo 108 bows, but I felt so excited that morning!

Baiklah, mari kita kembali lanjutkan jadwal ketat gue selama di Pyeongchang!! Tapi sebelumnya, selamat puasa dulu untuk semua kaum Muslim yah!!!

Jadwal hari ini adalah Pyeongchang – Wonju – Jeju Island!!! * tunggu aku Jeju, tempat romantic dimana semua drama berasal*
Gue bangun pagi pagi sekali hari ituh *okeh, sebenernya dibangunin ama morning call nya hotel sih* Langsung berasa seger banget! Walopun sehari sebelumnya, kaki gue berasa gempor karena harus menjalankan misi berat, yaitu harus bersujud 108 kali, tapi gue berasa semangat banget lah hari ituh!

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Being the only Muslim in the Group - Touch Korea Tour

Yes I am a Muslim!

Muslim preparation in Indonesia…
 I still remember the question that was asked by  KTO staff Jakarta when I did my interview as a Top 5. She asked me,”So you are a Muslim right? As a Muslim, are you afraid of going to Korea and had to deal with their food?”

Persiapan dari Indonesia sebagai seorang Muslim…
Gue masih Ingat pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh salah satu Staff KTO Jakarta ketika mengikuti interview 5 besar. Dia bertanya, “Jadi lo kan Muslim yah? Sebagai Muslim, lo takut gak pergi ke Korea dan harus berhadapan dengan makanannya?”

At that time, I answered the question with full confidence, “Well, I think ‘afraid’ is not the right word. But I will be aware of my food. And I am sure that, somehow, God will help me to handle the problem”
For your information, as a Muslim, I am not allowed to eat pork and drink alcohol.

Pada saat itu, gue menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan penuh percaya diri, “Gue rasa sih, sepertinya ‘takut’ bukanlah kata yang tepat yah. Tapi gue akan lebih waspada dengan makanan gue selama disana. Dan gue yakin, bahwa entah bagaimana caranya, Tuhan pasti akan membantu gue untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut kok”
Sebagai informasi aja, sebagai Muslim gue tidak diijinkan untuk makan babi dan minum alcohol.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

The Random Stories of Fun Team - Touch Korea Tour

Let’s take a break for a moment from our tight schedule!
Kita break sejenak deh dari cerita cerita tentang jadwal ketat gue selama perjalanan disonoh yeh!

I made this special post because I miss my fun team so much. The more I write about our trip in this blog, the more I miss them. So, it’s just the random stories about our fun team!

Gue bikin postingan special inih, karena gue lagi kangen banget ama FUN team. Semakin gue nulis tentang perjalanan gue ituh, semakin gue kangen ama mereka. Jadi ini mah cuman sekedar random story aja tentang mereka yah…

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

My Second Day in Korea Part 2 - Touch Korea Tour

The Schedule for 2nd day, KTO office Seoul - Icheon – Pyeongchang – Woljeongsa

Our next destination is Woljeungsa Templestay.
Tujuan kita selanjutnya adalah Woljeungsa Templestay.

Woljeungsa Templestay is located on the Mountain Odaesan and is mere 2 hours from Seoul. The weather is so cool and nice, calmly. Refreshing and peacefull. Okay, to be honest, the weather made me want to grab my blanket and sleep…hihihi..*. And the view, I don’t have enough *English* vocabulary to describe it…SO AMAZING…

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

My Second Day in Korea part 1 - Touch Korea Tour

The Schedule for 2nd day, KTO office Seoul - Icheon – Pyeongchang – Woljeongsa

Okay, I was so excited on that day, because that was the beginning of the tour. A little bit nervous actually. Tiph, Michelle and I were promised to meet at the restaurant to have our breakfast. I met Tiphany and Dondre at the lobby, but I didn’t see Michelle. That was the first time I met Dondre. We were having breakfast together. Dondre was very friendly and energetic. We took a picture, and then got back to our room to bring our luggage. Getting ready to check out at 9 o’clock.
our first breakfast!

First Day in Korea - Touch Korea Tour

Day 1– Airport Incheon – Lotte Hotel - Myeongdong

I arrived at 07.10 in the morning, Seoul time. It took 7 hours flight from Jakarta to Seoul. Honestly, I didn’t sleep at all in the plane. I was very nervous and…psssttt.. I cried because I felt sad and missed my kids so much. What can I say? I am a mom! All moms do such sentimental thing like that! So no judgement okay? *little bit defensive..hihihi…*

Gue sampai sekitar jam 07.10 pagi waktu Seoul. Waktu perjalanan Jakarta-Seoul membutuhkan kira kira 7 jam an lah. Tapi jujur aja, gue gak bisa tidur sama sekali di pesawat. Gue gelisah banget lah dan…psssttt…gue juga nangis terus lho. Soalnya gue sedih banget dan kangen berat sama anak anak sih. Abis harus gimana dong? Namanya juga gue emak emak! Semua Ibu pasti lah pernah melakukan hal sentimental kayak gitu deh!!ya kan? Ya kan? *rada defensif*

And this is the first time I travelled alone. Without my family. Quite scary! But I felt like a real traveler, so adventurous!

Dan ini juga adalah pertama kalinya gue traveling seorang diri. Tanpa keluarga. Rada serem juga sih! Tapi gue jadi berasa kayak petualang sejati deh!!

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Introducing Fun Tour Team - Touch Korea Tour

There are so many things I want to share, I don’t even know how to start. Since I try to write in English *wiping my sweat first*, It will be more difficult for me. But I will try to write it systematically and chronologically, because I don’t want to miss a thing. I want to write everything *so for those of you who are waiting for 2 PM and Miss A story, I might be write about them in my last post, because I met them in the last day*. So get ready guys, its gonna be a loooong story…
Before I start to write about all my experience in Korea, maybe it would be better to introduce the main characters first. So everyone can feel our atmonsphere too, our personal closeness…

Banyak banget yang pengen gue ceritain. Saking banyaknya, gue sampe bingung sendiri harus mulai dari mana. Berhubung gue juga mencoba untuk menulisnya pake basa Inggris *lap keringet dulu bok*, sepertinya bakalan rada berat juga buat gue. Tapi gue akan berusaha untuk menuliskannya secara sistematis dan kronologis, soalnya gue gak mau kelupaan satu hal pun juga. Pokoknya gue pengen ceritain semuanya deh! *jadi buat elo semua yang lagi pada nungguin cerita 2 PM dan Miss A, kemungkinan gue bakalan ceritanya di akhir yah, karena gue kan ketemu merekanya di hari terakhir*. Jadi bersiap siaplah temaaaan, ceritanya bakalan panjaaaang banget….