Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Introducing Fun Tour Team - Touch Korea Tour

There are so many things I want to share, I don’t even know how to start. Since I try to write in English *wiping my sweat first*, It will be more difficult for me. But I will try to write it systematically and chronologically, because I don’t want to miss a thing. I want to write everything *so for those of you who are waiting for 2 PM and Miss A story, I might be write about them in my last post, because I met them in the last day*. So get ready guys, its gonna be a loooong story…
Before I start to write about all my experience in Korea, maybe it would be better to introduce the main characters first. So everyone can feel our atmonsphere too, our personal closeness…

Banyak banget yang pengen gue ceritain. Saking banyaknya, gue sampe bingung sendiri harus mulai dari mana. Berhubung gue juga mencoba untuk menulisnya pake basa Inggris *lap keringet dulu bok*, sepertinya bakalan rada berat juga buat gue. Tapi gue akan berusaha untuk menuliskannya secara sistematis dan kronologis, soalnya gue gak mau kelupaan satu hal pun juga. Pokoknya gue pengen ceritain semuanya deh! *jadi buat elo semua yang lagi pada nungguin cerita 2 PM dan Miss A, kemungkinan gue bakalan ceritanya di akhir yah, karena gue kan ketemu merekanya di hari terakhir*. Jadi bersiap siaplah temaaaan, ceritanya bakalan panjaaaang banget….


At first, I don’t know that there will be a story/plot. I know that there will be a camera, because I signed the media agreement. But I never thought that there gonna be a plot and so maaaaany cameras, and crews, scriptwriter, make up artist, producers, directors, you name it. We’re using one big bus and 2 vans. Cool. It feels like in a drama!!! * I feel so important…hihihi…*
And the plot is, we are 6 persons from 6 different countries. We came to Korea as treasure hunters and our mission is to meet with 2 PM and Miss A. During the trip, we also have to go around Korea to find the important Mapae. Mapae was a token *looked like a medallion* used in the Joseon Dinasty. Every time we accomplished the mission, we deserve to receive 1 mapae. *oh my, I feel so competitive at that time*


Pertamanya, gue gak tahu sama sekali bahwa acara tersebut bakalan ada plot/jalan ceritanya. Gue pikir sih cuma liburan biasa aja. Gue tahu sih bakalan ada kamera, karena gue udah tanda tangan ‘media agreement’, tapi gue sungguh tidak menyangka bahwa bakalan ada banyaaaaak banget kamera, dan kru, penulis naskah, make up artis, producer, sutradara, pokoknya mah semua ada deh. Kita pergi ke mana mana pake satu bis gede dan 2 mobil van. Keren Abis!! Berasa kayak di drama lah!!! *langsung berasa penting*…hihihi..
Dan jalan ceritanya adalah, terdapat 6 orang dari 6 negara yang berbeda. Kita semua datang ke Korea sebagai pemburu harta karun dengan misi penting untuk bertemu dengan 2 PM dan Miss A. Selama perjalanan tersebut, kita harus berkeliling ke berbagai tempat di Korea untuk mencari Mapae. MApae adalah sebentuk token yang digunakan pada jaman Dinasti Joseon. Setiap kali kita berhasil menyelesaikan satu misi, maka kita berhak meraih sebuah Mapae. Keren Abis!! *gue merasa sangat bersemangat dan kompetitif sekali saat itu!*

And now, I would like to introduce 6 members of Fun tour team

Dan sekarang, gue akan memperkenalkan ke 6 orang anggota Fun Tour Team!!!

Fun Tour Team

Erry, 34 years old, from Indonesia, Mother of 2

Oke, that’s me…hihihi…
I am a winner of Touch Korea Tour Blogging Contest, representing Indonesia. To be honest, I was sooooo worried, because I am gonna be the oldest member in the group. And I am married, and I already have 2 kids. Wow, I feel so different…because they are all so young…
I feel prety because of the flowers
Erry, 34 tahun, dari Indonesia, Ibu 2 anak

Ops, itu mah gue yah...hihihi…
Gue adalah pemenang Touch Korea Tour Blogging Contest perwakilan dari Indonesia. Juju raja, pada awalnya gue merasa sangat khawatir, karena gue merupakan anggota yang usianya paling tua *jauh banget bok*. Dan gue udah nikah, dan punya 2 anak pulak! Gue merasa sangat berbeda, karena mereka semua masih sangat muda.

But, when the first time I introduce myself, they were all so surprised and didn’t believe that I am already 34 years old….wow...they were all so sweet and really knew how to make me blush…hihihi…
I am so glad that I can mingle well with all of the team members. Every time we had to do the scary mission, I kept saying that “Oh no, I am too old for this”, And everyone just laugh at me. But you know what? Actually, all of the team members makes me feel so young *group hug*

When we have to do the scary mission, My ugly expression would come out in my face, and then I will say, “Is it safe? Are you sure? Where is the seatbelt?”
And then all of my friends try to calming down,”Its okay Erry, It totally safe, Why are you so scared?”
And then I answered harshly, “Why? Because I am a mom!! I have 2 kids!!”

There you go…my tagline!!

Everytime we had the mission, all of my friends were looking at me and tease me, “Come on Erry, say your favorite lines!! Is it safe? Are you sure? I am a mom, I have 2 kids!!!”
Sooo funny …

Everybody looked happy, not me!

Tapi, ketika pertama kali gue memperkenalkan diri, mereka semua merasa terkejut dan percaya bahwa usia gue adalah 34 tahun dan sudah punya 2 orang anak…aaaah…pada bisaaaa aja bikin gue seneng niiiih…hihihi…*kibas rambut dulu ah*…

Gue lega karena pada akhirnya gue mampu membaur dengan mereka. Setiap kali kita harus melakukan kisi yang menakutkan, gue terus terusan berkata, “Whoaaa…kayaknya gue udah terlalu tua deh, buat melakukan hal beginian!!”. Dan biasanya sih mereka cuman ngetawain gue doang. Tapi tahu gak sih? sebenernya, semua perlakuan teman teman yang tulus itu membuat gue jadi merasa muda deh…*group hug*
Biasanya sih, kalo kita lagi menghadapi misi yang menakutkan, gue langsung terlihat pucat dan ketakutan, lalu mulai ribet bertanya, “Aman gak nih? Yakin lo? Sabuk pengamannya mana?”

Kemudian temen temen lain sibuk menenangkan gue, “Udah laaah…santai aja napa, aman kok! Lo kenapa ketakutan banget sih?”
Terus biasanya sih gue jawab sambil rada nyolot, “Kenapa? Soalnya gue Emak emak  nih!!Gue punya 2 orang anak tau!!”
Akhirnya kata kata ituh jadi semacam tagline gue deh…hihihi…

Setiap kali kita ketemu misi mengerikan, biasanya mereka suka melirik gue sambil nge godain, “Ayo Erry, udah langsung omongin aja kata favorit lo ituh! Aman gak nih? Lo yakin? Gue punya 2 anak nih!!”
Lucu banget jadinyah…hihihi

My favorite lines are also, every time I saw something beautiful, I will say, “Wow, I saw that in the drama!!”. And then, all the team members will look at me strangely, *how many dramas have you watched actually????*
Or, every time we reached the hotels, they will looked at me and whispered, “Come on Erry, just say your favorite line again, is there any wifi in this hotel?”...hihihi…
I looked cute taking picture of myself

Kata kata favorite gue yang lain biasanya, kalo lagi melihat suatu tempat yang indah, gue suka reflek ngomong, “Whoaaa,..keren banget, sepertinya gue pernah lihat di drama deh!!”, Tapi biasanya sih temen temen yang lain langsung melirik gue dengan tatapan aneh, dan mungkin bertanya dalam hati, *sebenernya lo udah pernah nonton drama apa aja sih!!!banyak banget!!...hihihi..*
Dan kalo kita sudah sampai di hotel, biasanya sih mereka suka ngelirik gue trus bisik bisik, “come on Erry, langsung omongin aja kata favorit lo ituh,…ehm…di hotel ini ada wifi gak yah???”…hihihi…

Oh my gosh, I am so typical!!!
Gila yeh, gue typical banget sih…mudah ditebak bok!!...*benerin kerah baju*..

Dondre, 20 years old, from USA, student, speaker and great dancer
Dondre is a winner of the Touch Korea Tour Video Contest.
Dondre is such a positive person. He is so energetic, he crazily loves to dance, and he loves to laugh. His laugh is so contagious and every time I see his laugh, strangely I just want to laugh with him. * I miss his laugh*. He loves to eat eggs every breakfast *large portion*.
Dondre is such a positive person
Dondre merupakan pemenang Touch Korea Tour Video Contest.Dondre adalah orang yang penuh semangat dan selalu memiliki energy positif. Dia suka banget nge dance, dan hobi banget ketawa. Suara tawanya sangat menular. Pokoknya kalo gue denger dia ketawa, gue jadi suka tiba tiba pengen ketawa ajah, tanpa alasan yang jelas. Setiap pagi, Dondre selalu sarapan telur dengan porsi yang sangat besar.

We were in the same team to do the mission twice. At that time, I was so worry that I will not be able to do the dangerous scary mission. But he is so positive, and keep calming down and said, “No Erry, we can do this. I know you can. Just trust me!”
And his favorite lines is “It’s so intense!”
I don’t really know the meaning of that word, but he keeps saying it. I asked him once, and he said that, it kinda an expression to show how he feels. But in USA, sometimes we are joking around and said “It so in tents!!”, and then he laugh…
 Is that supposed to be funny? “ It so intense!” VS “It so in tents”…*I Just looked at him strangely*
 “That is not funny Dondre,” I said

But Dondre keep saying “But if you go to USA, that is really funny, just trust me!!!”
Oke, that is not funny at all!!!...hihihi…

And Dondre and I invented ‘because we’re friends joke”…
We were at the airport in Jeju Island, And I asked him nicely, “Hai Dondre, tomorrow we are going to meet with 2 PM and Miss A. Are you going to wear jeans or short?”
And Dondre answered me with such an upset face, “Why do you wanna know?”
I was a little bit confused and scared, so I answered with such naïve face “…ehm…because we’re friends!!!”

And Dondre was babbling, “Why do friends has to wear the same pants? Have you watched that movie “mean girls” played by Lindsay Lohan?...blablabla…”
Oh My Gosh!!! He was so serious, Tiphany and I kept laughing at him….we cannot stop!!!
So, we invented “because we’re friends jokes”
Every time, there is a question started with WHY, the answer is “because we’re friends!”
That was so funnyyyy…*and Dondre keep denying that he did the upset face*
I miss his contagious laugh

Gue dan Dondre berada dalam 1 tim sebanyak 2 kali. Pada saat itu, biasanya gue suka ketakutan sendiri dan berasa gak mampu menjalankan misi gila itu, tapi Dondre lah yang selalu menenangkan gue dan memancarkan energy positif kepada gue. Biasanya dia suka bilang, “Ayo Erry, lo pasti bisa deh, gue yakin kita pasti bisa. Semangat yah! Pokoknya lo percaya aja deh ama gue!!!”
Dan kata favorite nya adalah, “Its so intense!”

Jujur aja, gue juga gak tahu apa artinya. Gue pernah tanya ama dia, katanya itu hanyalah salah satu bentuk ekspresi untuk menunjukkan perasaannya. Tapi kalo di USA, biasanya kita suka bercanda dan bilang “It so in tents!!”, *arti harafiah nya adalah jadi, “kita berada di dalam tenda”, trus dia ketawa sendiri…
Apaan sih??

Emang lucu gituh? “Its so intense!” VS “ Its so in tents!”…emang dimana letak lucunya sih???
“Itu gak lucu Dondre!!”, kata gue

Tapi Dondre tetep ngotot, “Tapi kalo lo pergi ke USA, ituh lucu banget deh!!! Percaya ama gue!!!”
Oke deeeeh, tapi itu tetep sama sekali gak lucu lho yaaa…hihihi…
Dondre dan gue juga telah menciptakan bercandaan “soalnya kan kita temenan”, Sumpah keren abis!
Waktu itu kita sedang berada di Jeju airport, dan gue tanya dia baik baik, “Hai Dondre, besok kan kita bakalan ketemu sama 2 PM dan Miss A nih. Lo bakalan pake celana pendek atau pake Jeans?”
Trus si Dondre jawab, dengan ekspresi muka yang rada sebel, “Emang kenapa sih, lo pengen tahu segala??”

Gue rada bingung dan sedikit takut lihat ekspresinya itu, jadi gue pun jawab dengan muka polos, “…ehm…soalnya kan kita temenan!!”
Dondre pun mulai ngoceh gak karu karuan, “Emangnya kalo temenan trus kita harus pake celana yang sama? Lo pernah nonton gak film nya si Lindsay Lohan yang judulnya Mean Girls…blablabla…”
Buset daaah…serius amat siiih…hihihi…Gue dan Tiphany gak bisa berhenti ketawa saat itu…
Jadi sejak saat itu, setiap kali ada pertanyaan dengan kata MENGAPA, lo harus jawabnya, “soalnya kita kan temenan!!...hihihi…sumpah, lucu abis tuh…*sampai saat ini Dondre masih menyangkal kalo waktu itu dia ngambek…hihihi…*

 Later on he told me, that, he doesn’t have too many pants because he is too tall…okay…busted!!...hihihi…

Tapi kesini sini dia mengaku, bahwa dia gak punya banyak celana panjang, karena badannya terlalu tinggi…kagak muat bok…Ketahuan deh!!...hihihi…

Tiphany, 18 years old, from France, Student and Maknae *the youngest person in the group*

Tiphany is the winner of Touch Korea Tour Video Contest.
Tiphany is such a sweet and wonderful person. She is so young and cheerful. She is like a little sister I never had. She always has the same boring breakfast everyday. Choco cereal. I don’t understand why. There are so many options. Delicious menu. This is bufee. And this is 5 stars hotel!! Why are you keep eating that boring breakfast? French Girl! I don’t understand her…hihihi…
boring breakfast!

Tiphany, 18 tahun, dari Perancis, pelajar dan Maknae *maknae = yang termuda di grup kita*

Tiphany merupakan pemenang Touch Korea Tour Video Contest.
Tiphany adlah seorang gadis muda yang sangat manis dan menyenangkan banget. Dia itu bagaikan adik perempuan, yang kagak pernah gue punya selama ini. Dia selalu makan sarapan yang sama setiap paginya. Choco cereal. Gue bener bener gak ngerti kenapa. Begitu banyak pilihan, menunya enak enak banget, bufee gitu lho. Ini adalah hotel bintang lima!!!Kenapa sih selalu aja pilih menu yang membosankan kayak gituh? Dasar cewek Perancis…hihihi…

Dondre and Tiph are sooo crazy about Kpop. They can memorize almost all the Kpop lyrics and dance moves. So crazy!!
you shouldn't do that in front of the camera!

Dondre dan Tiph ini gila Kpop banget. Gue rasa mereka hapal semua lirik lagu Kpop dan hapal gerakan tarinya juga. Gila banget!

 Because I am almost twice her age *Oh Nooo!!*, I always bossing around, and tell her to do everything…hihihi… I always said, “Hai Tiph, tomorrow before you go downstairs to have breakfast, you have to knock on my door okay! I don’t wanna be late!”…hihihi…
Or sometimes if we have to do anything, like interview or else, I would say, “Hai Tiph, you go first, I don’t wanna be the first!”…hihihi…*I was so bossy, I enjoyed being a boss actually…hihihi…*
And I keep on losing things, I stupidly lost my passport in the airport and I left my backpack on the bench. Tiphany is the one who always taking care of me. Once she told me, “Erry, why do I have the strange feeling that I am the MOM here. I have to take care of you!!”
Our sweet Maknae

Karena usia gue hampir 2 kali lipat umurnya *tutup muka pake bantal*, biasanya gue suka nge-boss banget ama si Tiphany inih, dan sering nyuruh nyuruh dia…hihihi…biasanya gue suka ngomong,”Hai Tiph, pokoknya besok pagi sebelum kita turun kebawah buat sarapan, lo harus jemput gue dulu ke kamar yah, gue kagak mau telat nih!”…hihihi…

Atau kadang-kadang, ketika kita harus melakukan sesuatu yang menyeramkan, atau sekedar interview, gue suka bilang, “Hai Tiph, lo duluan deh, pokoknya gue kagak mau yang pertama!!”..hihihi…*pokoknya mah nge boss banget lah gue!!*

Selama disono, dengan sangat bodohnya, gue sering banget ketinggalan barang. Gue kehilangan passport dan boarding pass gue di airport Jeju, gue juga ketinggalan backpack gue di kursi taman *tepok jidat*. Tapi si Tiphany ini yang selalu setia buat jagain gue.
Suatu kali dia pernah bilang am ague, “Hai Erry, kenapa yah gue punya perasaan aneh bahwa sepertinya gue yang jadi IBU lo disini!! Gue harus jagain lo terus siiiih!!!”…

Oh Tiphany, you’re so cute! Thank you so much Maknae!

Tiphany, lo tuh cute banget siiih!!! Makasih banyak yah Maknae! *kiss kiss*

Tim, 24 years old, from Australian, a student and the funny guy
Tim is the winner of Touch Korea Tour Photo Contest representing Australia.
Tim is such a cool young man. He loves extreme sports, he plays bass in the band. He also works in 2 places, in the bookstore and orphanage. But for me, he has strange Australian accent. Sometimes I don’t understand what he said.
Our funny guy

Tim, 24 tahun dari Australia, pelajar dan lucu abis!!!
Tim adalah pemenang Touch Korea Tour Photo Contest mewakili Australia.
Tim adalah seorang lelaki yang cool dan keren. Dia suka banget olahraga extreme, dia juga pemain bass dalam band nya. Dia bekerja di 2 tempat, took buku dan semacam panti asuhan gituh. Tapi buat gue, dia ituh memiliki aksen Austrlia yang aneh banget. Kadang kadang gue gak ngerti omongannya.

Once he said,” Erry..blablabla!”
And I looked at him strangely and said “What? can you explained?”
And he just said with his cute Australian accent, “It doesn’t matter” or “ Forget about it”
That were Tim’s favorite lines actually, but you have to say it with Australian accent…hihihi…
Tim actually is a funny guy *once you get to know him*. But sometimes we just don’t understand his sense of humor. For example, I said to him, “Hai Tim, Can I have a picture of you?”, and then he coldly said, “No, you cant!”

And then he started laughing after looking at my expression.

What? Are you joking Tim? Is that funny?...hahaha…*but later on, I thought that it quite funny anyway*
And once I saw him talking with Amely, one of our PR staf, and I asked him, “Hai Tim, What are you guys talking about?”

And than Tim answered, “Well, Amelie said that, she doesn’t like you!!”
WHAT? WHY? What did I do??

And Tim started to laugh…That is soooo not funny Tim…
We were in the same team once. And it was a disaster…hahaha…When Amelie gaves us an explanation, Tim nodded many times with such a serious face. And than I asked him, “Hai Tim, do you understand what she’s saying? What are we going to do in the next mission?”
And then he answered, “ I had no idea what she’s talking about Erry!!”
Miss his weird jokes:)

Suatu kali dia ngomong, “Erry,…blablabla…”
Gue menatapnya dengan pandangan ngeri, “Lo ngomong apaan sih? bisa dijelasin lagi gak?”
Biasanya dia suka balas dengan aksen Australia nya yang cute ituh, “It doesn’t matter” atau “forget about it!”. Jadi itu adalah kalimat favoritnya Tim, tapi lo harus ngomong dengan logat Australia yang kental banget…hihihi…

Sebenernya si Tim ini orangnya lucu banget, kalo lo udah kenal deket. Tapi, kadang kadang kita suka gak ngerti sama sense of humornya yang suka rada aneh. Contohnya aja, gue ngomong, “Hai Tim, boleh minta poto bareng gak?”, trus dia jawab dengan nada dingin, “Gak boleh!!”
Terus biasanya dia ketawa sendiri setelah melihat ekspresi muka gue….
Ih…emang lucu gituuuuu?? Perasaan mah gak lucu deeeh…*tapi setelah gue pikir pikir lagi mah, lumayan lucu juga sih…hihihi…kayaknya gue ketularan garing ama si Tim deh*

Suatu kali gue lihat dia lagi ngobrol ama Amelie, salah satu staf PR, trus gue tanya ama dia, “Hai Tim, kalian berdua lagi pada ngomongin apaan sih?”. Trus dia jawab dengan cueknya, “Well, si Amelie bilang ama gue barusan, bahwa sebenernya dia tuh gak suka ama lo!”
Hah? Kenapa Amelie gak suka ama gue? Emang salah gue apa???
Trus dia mulai ketawa…itu gak lucu banget Tiiiiim…garing banget sih!!!!

Gue dan Tim pernah berada dalam 1 tim untuk mengerjakan misi. Dan itu adalah malapetaka…hihihi…kacau banget lah!!!

Ketika Amelie dan penulis skrip mulai menjelaskan tentang peraturan misi tersebut, gue lihat si Tim manggut manggut sok keren dengan ekspresi muka yang sangat serius.
Trus gue bisik bisik ama dia,”Hai Tim,lo ngerti kan semua apa yang dia bilang? JAdi kita harus gimana nih di misi selanjutnya?”
Dia hanya menjawab, “Gue sama sekali gak ngerti apa yang dia omongin Erry!!”
Hah? Terus ngapain lo manggut manggut dari tadi???

 Oh my gosh!!!
 Tim ini lucu abeeees!!!

Michelle, 20 years old from Malaysia, Student and the serious face

Michelle is the winner of Touch Korea Tour Blogging Contest representing Malaysia.
I think Michelle is the most mature person in the group. Although she is younger than me, I feel that she is so strong and mature. She is the kind of person that we can trust and count on to.
Michelle looked prety without her poker face

Michelle, 20 tahun dari Malaysia, Pelajar dan Ekspresi muka yang serius
Michelle adalah pemenang Touch Korea Tour Blogging Contest mewakili Malaysia.
Menurut gue, Michelle adalah orang yang paling dewasa di grup ini. Walaupun dari segi usia gue jauh lebih tua darinya, tapi dia memiliki pribadi yang sangat kuat dan dewasa. Dia adalah jenis orang yang bisa dipercaya dan bisa diandalkan.

I spent more times with Michelle, because we had same flight schedule. Michelle always has the kind of expression that is really weird. Serious face. Even though she is happy, she always has that serious face. Once I asked her, “Hai Michelle, is that food delicious?”
And she answered, “Yes, this is so delicious, I can’t stop eating it!”
WHAT? So what’s with your face? So serious!! Fix it…hahaha…

I will always remember our funny conversation in the Jeju airport. Since I am the drama queen, Michelle pointed one big poster of Song Seung Hun and asked me, “Hai Erry, do you like that guy?”
“Who? Song Seung Hun? I don’t really like him! He is old!” I answered her while pushing my trolley.
Michelle looked at me with the strange face!!
And than I answered, “What? He is around my age!! I like younger man!!”

All of my friends started to laugh at me…ehm..oke…stupid answer, I think I just admit, that people around my age is already old…bad answer!!...hihihi…

But Michelle still wanted to torture me and keep asking, “But Erry, you like Hyun Bin, he is old too, around your age right??”

Oh my god Michelle, Why are you keep asking me the difficult question??
So I just answered *without thinking*, “Well, because Hyun Bin is different!”
They all burst out to laugh! Why? That is not funny? Hyun Bin is different, you cannot compared Hyun Bin with anyone!! Hyun Bin is Hyun Bin!!! *defensive*
And then Michelle dramatically said, “That is sooo Erry!!”
we both looked prety without our poker face
Gue menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan Michelle karena jam penerbangan kita hampir sama. Tapi Michelle selalu memiliki satu jenis ekspresi muka yang sedikit aneh. Serius banget. Walaupun dia sedang sangat bahagia, tapi ekspresi mukanya datar banget.
Suatu kali gue pernah tanya, “Hai Michelle, makanan itu enak gak sih?”
Dan dia jawab, “Sumpah deh, makanan ini enak banget, gue gak bisa berhenti makannya deh!!!!”
Hah? Trus kenapa muka lo kayak gitu sih??Serius banget!!Benerin sonoh!!...hihihi…

Gue akan selalu mengingat perbincangan lucu kita di airport Jeju, karena gue adalah drama queen, Michelle menunjuk sebuah poster gede bergamabar Song Seung Hun trus nanya, “Hai Erry, lo suka ama dia juga gak?”

Gue pun menjawab “Siapa? Si Song Seung Hun? Gue mah kagak suka ama dia!!Dia kan udah tua!”
Michelle pun mulai menatap gue dengan pandangan yang aneh.
Emangnya kenapa sih? Dia kan seumuran gue, gue suka ama yang lebih muda!!”, jawab gue sambil sibuk dorong trolley.

Dan semua orang mulai ngetawain gue…ehm…oke..jawaban bodoh, sepertinya gue baru saja mengakui bahwa orang yang sepantaran gue itu berarti udah tahu….jawaban bodooooh…hihihi…

Tapi si Michelle inih masih saja berusaha menyiksa gue dengan pertanyaannya,”Etapi lo suka banget ama si Hyun Bin kan? Dia kan sepantaran lo juga??”
Karena sudah terdesak, akhirnya gue pun menjawab datar tanpa pikir panjang, “Yah, soalnya kalo Hyun Bin mah beda dong!!”

Dan semuanya pun pada tertawa terbahak bahak mendengar jawaban gue ituh. Ih, kenapa sih pada ketawa? Hyun Bin itu emang beda, lo gak bisa bandingin Hyun Bin sama siapa pun. Hyun Bin is Hyun Bin *mulai defensive*
Kemudian Michelle pun dengan dramatis bilang, “Itu jawaban yang khas Erry banget deh!!”, dia ngomongnya sih, “That is sooooo Erry!!”

Thank you Michelle…hahaha…

Ricky Kim, 31 years old from Korea, Entertainer, Actor and Tour Leader

Ricky Kim is truly an entertainer. He plays in several drama like Heading to the Ground, I need Romance and Athena. But he is more well known from the variety show Dream Team and Law of Jungle.
I don’t have to describe how good looking he is right? Just look at him…hihihi…ops…I am married, lets change the subject…hihihi…
Ricky Kim - No need to describe

Ricky Kim, 31 tahun dari Korea, Entertainer, Actor dan Tour Leader
Ricky Kim adalah seorang entertainer sejati. Dia bermain di beberapa drama seperti Heading to the ground, I need romance dan Athena. Tapi dia jauh lebih dikenal dari beberapa variety show yang diikutinya seperti Dream Team dan Law of the Jungle.
Sepertinya sih gue gak perlu lagi menjelaskan dengan panjang lebar, tentang betapa gantengnya beliau inih kan yah….lo lihat aja sendiri…hihihi..ops…gue udah nikah yah, mari kita ngomongin hal lain ajah…hihihi…

Ricky Kim is such a nice person. He is humble and sincere. He is exactly the same behind and in front of the camera. Sometimes I kept forgetting that he is a celebrity because he always joking around. But when we go to the public places everybody just went crazy and screaming, “…Oppaaaa…Rickyyy…”
That is so intense, *Dondre’s lines*
Cute Ricky :)
Tired Leader
We had so much fun!

Ricky Kim adalah seseorang yang sangat menyenangkan, rendah hati dan tulus. Kelakuannya sama persis baik didepan atau pun di belakang kamera. Kadang kadang gue suka lupa bahwa dia adalah seorang selebriti, karena dia selalu ngakrab dan seneng banget bercanda. Tapi ketika kita bepergian ke tempat umum, orang orang suka pada histeris, dan memanggil manggil “Rickyyyy…Rickyyyy…”
That’s so intense, *pinjem kalimat Dondre*…hihihi…

Sometimes, when we had our meals, I just sat quietly and busy with my food. While Ricky leads the conversation and keep talking to all of the members. Usually I kept taking the same food because its so delicious, but then, strangely, he kept giving me my favorite food and put them in my plate. How did he know?
And than he said, “Hai Erry, there are more abalones over there, do you want some more?”
What? How did he know? I saw him busy talking to the other guys, while I was quietly eating….hihihi…
On our last meal, he sat right besides me and said, “You know what? You can eat! But you have a good metabolism, because you don’t get weight!”…What?? I thought he didn’t notice…hihihi…BUSTED!!
Ricky Kim, such a genuine person

Biasanya sih kalo udah jam makan, gue suka gak pernah banyak omong, dan diem diem aja sibuk ama makanan gue sementara Ricky sibuk ngobrol ama yang lain. Biasanya gue selalu ngambil jenis makanan tertentu yang rasanya paling endang bambang . Tapi anehnya, Ricky selalu menyodorkan makanan tersebut kearah gue, kemudian menaruhnya dipiring gue. Kok dia bisa tahu sih???
Kemudia dia ngomong, “Hai Erry, di meja sebelah sonoh, masih ada abalone tuh, mau gue ambilin gak?”
Eh, kok dia tahu sih kalo gue ngincer abalone? Padahal gue lihat dari tadi dia sibuk ngobrol sana sini sama yang lain lho…hihihi…
Ketika makan siang di hari terakhir, Ricky duduk disebelah gue, dan dia komentar, “Lo tahu gak sih, lo bener bener bisa makan yah orangnya, tapi metabolism lo bagus yah, lo gak nge gendutin!”
Hah? Ketahuan deh!!!...hihihi…

Once in the meal time, I heard him talking to Tim, “Hai Tim, you like to drink too? Lets go to have some drinks sometimes okay?”. At that time, I thought that he only try to say something nice. You know that kind of words that you say, but you didn’t really mean it.
But one night in Jeju, I saw Ricky and Tim really had some drinks together. I asked Tim in the next morning, “Hai Tim, did you guys really hang out and had some drinks last night?”
And Tim answered, “Yes, we had a drink until late at night, about 2 AM!”
What? Ricky is a really sincere guy. Nice person.

Suatu kali, gue pernah mendengar Ricky berkata ama Tim,”Eh Tim, lo suka minum juga yah? Ayo deh kapan kapan kita hang out dan minum bareng yah!”. Pada saat itu, gue berpikir bahwa Ricky cuman basa basi doang.
Tapi suatu malam di Jeju, gue lihat si Tim dan Ricky bener bener hang out dan minum bareng di hotel. Gue tanya sama Tim keesokan paginya, “Hai Tim, tadi malem lo bener bener hang out bareng ama si Ricky? Sampai jam berapa lo?”. Si Tim menjawab, “Iya, kita nongkrong sampe jam 2 pagi. Ngobrol kesana kemari. Dia orangnya baik banget deh!”

And I asked him to do a video, and he said in front of the camera, that I am a good mom…whoaaa… I am so gonna upload it in youtube…hihihi…klik here…

Dan suatu kali, gue iseng minta dia untuk mengucapkan sesuatu untuk gue rekam di video, dan dia bilang di depan kamera bahwa…gue adalah ibu yang baik…whoaaaa…bakalan gue upload di youtube deh…hihihi…klik sini yeh…

And look what he wrote in my T Shirt. He wrote that I am the best mom of two. So sweet. And some hangul words that I don’t understand. Hai Tiphany, translate those word for me!! * I enjoyed being a boss too much…hihihi*
He wrote, "you're the best mom of 2" teary eyes suddenly

Dan lo baca dong apa yang dia tulis di T Shirt gue. Dia tulis bahwa gue adalah “the best mom of two”…so sweet. Dan beberapa tulisan hangul yang gue gak ngerti. Hai Tiphany, lo terjemahin kata itu deh!! *sepertinya gue terlalu menikmati jadi bos nya si Tiph selama disonoh…hihihi...*

When I came home to Indonesia, my husband told me, that he sent a thank you message to Ricky for taking care of me. And he replied instantly. Look what he wrote, so nice and sweet! *nosebleeding and faint*

We are so lucky to have him as our Tour Leader!!!
So sweet and kind

Dan ketika gue pulang ke Indonesia, abah cerita ama gue, bahwa Abah pernah kirim thank you note ke Ricky, dan langsung dibalas saat itu juga. Lo baca deh yang dia tulis. Manis banget kaaan!!*mimisan trus pingsan*

Ricky ini orangnya tulus banget deh.
Kita beruntung banget deh bisa memiliki dia sebagai Tour Leader!!


24 komentar:

  1. Perasaan semalem jam 1.30 WIB ini postingan adanya di blogdetik, deh. Ko bisa migrasi begini. Ajiban.... Keren banget, photonya banyak. Di spanduk aja ada. Mantap! Andi Kata.

    1. Inih blog khusus Korea aku mas Andi, just in case personal blog aku kalo ngadat...

  2. diharuskan buat blog terpisah ya Ry....
    kenapa itu si bibi titi teliti kok moderasi komen?

    1. Sebenernya gak diharuskan bikin blog terpisah si mba...

      Tapi beberapa hari inih aku gak bisa login ke personal blog aku, kadang susah aplod poto, bahkan terakhir terima komplen bahwa blog ituh gak bisa dibuka sama sekali...hiks...

      Jadi terpaksa pindah dulu dueh...

  3. asikkkk ada yg pindahan rumahhh :-))) ke blogger pulak pindahnya haha, kita tetanggaan duehhhh jadinya ;-) enakan di sini biiii... yg di detik suka ga bisa dibuka jg dari uk, huhuhu..

  4. mommy yang paling cantik kok,,bukan bunganya ;-) hehehe
    aduh itu foto yg noraebang bikin ngiri aza,,hahaha lebih asyik daripada karaoke di indo atau sama aza??

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