So, this morning I just did my daily routine as usual, prepared everything for my husband and kids.
And after they went to school and office, I did my 'me time' : stalking all the social media account of my favorite Kdrama actors. Yes, I always start my morning with productive activity haha.
When I was busy stalking the timeline, all of the sudden I saw this :
Okay, Global Wow Korea is currently looking for a social media influencer, it means that they will invite you to Korea this December so that you can share your experience through your social media.
Yes, I am so confident to be a social media influencer for Korea, because... I already did! All of my social media mostly about Korea.
As a Kdramalover, every time I watch a drama I cant help my self to publish a picture about it. Usually I captured all of my favorite scenes in a drama, then I wrote funny caption about it and posted in my instagram
So basically my instagram feed is full of the pictures of my favorite actors that play in the drama. How about my own pictures? Well, maybe only 10% of it.
Posting the pictures of my favorite oppa is more important than posting my own picture haha.
Facebook & Tweeter
I did the same thing in my facebook. Every time my favorite actor is in the drama, I will be super excited and cant stop talking about it with my friends. Babbling.
How about in tweeter?
Okay, first thing you DONT wanna be my follower in tweeter if you are NOT a Kdramalover, because I can be super annoying haha.
Every time I watch a drama, I just have to tweet. I have to! It's a must!
Dear Dispatch,— Erry Andriyati (@ebibitititeliti) April 6, 2016
Mohon kerahkan seluruh kekuatan intelmu utk mereka.
Diiringi segenap doa dari para shipper yg dahaga
Especially when my favorite drama is over, and there's a huge hole in my heart and suddenly my life feel so empty, I will be keep spamming and tweeting dramatically in tweeter. Yes, I did.
Youtube Chanel
Last but not least is my youtube chanel which is sincerely dedicated for Korean Drama.
Actually I just started to vlog, so youtube is my new thing. but I am already having so much fun in making the video and i did some crazy and random stuff in my video.
So please also watch my video about : Global Wow Korea 2016
I am also a blogger and love to write about Korean drama. Being a Kdramalover is actually a part of my personal branding as a blogger.
So, here's some pictures about my achievements as a blogger.
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Buzz Korea Awards 2012 |
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Wow Korea Supporter 2013 |
About Social Media
In my theory, as a Kdramalover we literally live in a social media because that's how we got into the Kdrama or Kpop mostly. Through social media we can connect and share how we feel.
I've got so many new friends in social media just because I love to watch Korean drama. Even though I've never met them before, but strangely we feel emotionally close, just because we watch the same drama.
Through Korean drama, not only we can learn about the culture, tradition, fashion or food, but believe it or not we can also learn about the history! That's the power of Korean drama.
Dream Come True
Actually I've been to Korea in summer and autumn, but unfortunately I've never been to Korea in the winter.
As a kdramalover, i watched so many drama's that include snow in their romantic scenes. I can feel that there's something magical about the snow in Korea and I really want to feel it.
So, to be in Korea at the winter will be a dream come true for me.
So, to be in Korea at the winter will be a dream come true for me.
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Teteeehhh.. Siapa lagi atuh influencer di dunia perblog-an, per-IG-an, per-FB-an deelel deelel yang fokus dengan korea dengan akun pribadi (bukan akun admin sis :P) selain dirimu.. Jadi tim WOW Korea harus pake banget milih teh erry jadi pemenangnya :D
BalasHapusSemoga winter korea 2016 jadi kenyataan teh :D
gud luckkkk~ :)
BalasHapusGudlak Teh Erry, semoga kepilih dan menang yaaa..... Aku bisa diajak ke sana juga nggak Teh? Mau nyusulin Park Bo Gum atulah:))))
BalasHapuswah kayaknya bakal menang lagi nih.... good luck ya! :)
BalasHapusAaaa. Trnyta teh erry pernh ke tempat syuting drama gogh the starry night. Pgen. Huhu good luck teh wish you to be a winner
BalasHapusOh God! THis is soooo teh erry, wkkkk, insyaallah menang lagi teeh! Semangattt and good luck!
BalasHapusTeteeehh.. aku padamu pokoknya... sungguh terlalu kalo sampe dirimu ga menaaang. Semoga berhasil ya teh, trus jgn lupa ntar bungkusin aku saljunya ya teh ga usah banyak2 teh , setermos yg biasa teteh ajak ngerumpi itu aja udah cukup kok.. haha
BalasHapusMba Erry duuuh keren pisan, benar2 menunjukan klo cinta memang harus totalitas, seperti cintanya pada drakor ini, sampai dua kali ke korea gratis, semoga bisa ke korea yg ketiga kalinya gratis lagi. Aamiin ya Allah *Aku Bangga Padamu Mba Erry :)
BalasHapusTeehhh..aku doakeuun menang teh..ini mah udah keren bangett.. ;)
BalasHapusDan emang bener deh, teh Ery banyak beri pengaruh ke kita lewat tulisan di blog dan twitter ntuk nonton drama korea yang bagus2...hihihihi
Teeeh semoga menang yaaah, bangga banget kenal sama teteh sang penyebar virus korea haha
BalasHapusGood for watch inlaptop